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发布日期:2020-08-03    作者:admin     来源:本站     点击:1189


1、Every little bit of kindness helps. With manners, the best rule is the one that works. It is easier to look and sound attractive when we are nice to other people. Being polite and showing respect can give us an edge.    P389


2、In the recent past, medical researchers have begun to emphasize the fact that heart disease is associated with stress, smoking and a lack of exercise, and we can often reduce the risk of heart disease by paying more attention to these factors.   P454


3、Honesty will have to come from social pressure: in the family, at school, on the job, each and every one of us can encourage honesty be showing which behaviors are unacceptable. Teaching respect should become everyones responsibility.  P577


4、Exercise makes me feel terrible. Even when I shower. I get to my next class wet, and probably smelling like a locker room.   P623


5、According to many scientists, the burning of rainforests is also directly contributing to the so-called greenhouse effect. This effect, they say, is raising average temperatures and sea levels as the polar ice caps recede.  P667


6、It is unnecessary to cry whenever one wants to cry, but one should be able to cry when one ought to cry-when one needs to cry. Porto cry under certain emotionally disequilibrating conditions is necessary for the maintenance of health.

